Shakespeare Electronic Conference, Vol. 1, No. 79. Monday, 15 Oct 1990.
Date:         Mon, 15 Oct 90 12:48:09 EDT
From:         Ken Steele <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject:      Revision / Textual Studies?
    As many of you may already know (it's in the biography files,
after all...), I am currently researching a doctoral thesis on textual
evidence for small-scale revisions in Shakespeare's early plays
(what I like to call "poetic" revisions, as distinct from the broader
and more striking "dramatic" revisions, although of course such a
distinction is wholly artificial and furthermore rather misleading).
The title is the only thing about which I have yet to have second
thoughts: "The Second Heat Upon the Muse's Anvil: Poetic Revision
in Shakespeare's Early Plays."  (Of course, that whole subtitle
really needs heavy rewriting...)
    Anyway, the tunnel at the end of which there currently seems
to be no light is one in which I am digging for every crumb of
textual scholarship which might be remotely relevant to my work.
I would be very interested in obtaining (or exchanging) electronic
bibliographies with anyone who might have such a list already (e.g.
a list of textual studies in a long-forgotten bibliography file, a list
of works cited which touches on the subject of revision, etc.)  This
might be particularly easy for scholars who maintain electronic
databases rather than card files of critical works, but this may still
be relatively uncommon.
    Alternatively, I would appreciate notes on recent
Shakespeareantextualrevisional articles and/or books or theses
which seem particularly radical, fascinating, or useful.  (And
please don't be so modest that you fail to mention works of your
own which I should see).  In particular, extremely recent or
obscure journals or festschriften may well have escaped my notice.
These responses in particular might go directly to the conference,
as they could be interesting to others as well.
                                  Ken Steele
                                  University of Toronto
                                  <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
                                   or <KSTEELE@utorepas>

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