Shakespeare Electronic Conference, Vol. 2, No. 86. Monday, 18 Mar 1991.
Date:   Sat, 16 Mar 1991 07:34:08 -0500
From:   Steven Urkowitz <SURCC@CUNYVM>
Subject: 2.0084  SHAKSPER (MetaSHAKSPER?)
Comment:      Re: SHK 2.0084  SHAKSPER (MetaSHAKSPER?)
Fritz Levy points to the immense value of SHAKSPER as a forum for
breaking through the isolation of scholars who may be the sole
specialists in a field in a particular college.  The same feeling of
isolation may occur in schools where several Shakespeareans, for
example, hold rival court.  The social patterns of my school, for
reasons of scheduling and even the geometry of our office block, seem
to keep me away from much contact with T.J. King, a warmly friendly
colleague with similar interests in "theatrical Shakespeare."  I once
asked James Britton (the grand old man --or grand shining twinkling
spirit) of British writing pedagogy) how I might influence other
colleagues to adopt any kind of reformed methodologies.  He laughed
for a bit, and then first he warned, "Don't storm the citadel."
Don't attack or proselytise the otherwise confirmed.  "Instead,"
he said, "find out friends."  Support one another in kind ways.
Ken Steele seems to be caring for this network as a neat resource for
finding out friends, engaging co-conspirators, picnicking in the
sunlight.  Let's cheer him on.
Yours warmly,
Steve Urkowitz,
City College of New York,

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