The Shakespeare Conference: SHK 11.1933  Thursday, 12 October 2000.

From:           Tanya Gough <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date:           Wednesday, 11 Oct 2000 11:52:41 -0400
Subject:        Poor Yorick Plight Update

Poor Yorick wants to thank its friends and neighbors for their loyalty
and their continued support.

While we wish we could confirm the rumors even we have heard to the
effect that we will be staying on indefinitely at this location, the
fact is, we just don't know. Please stay tuned: we still have 15 months
on our lease, and "tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow / creeps in this
petty pace from day to day, / to the last syllable of recorded time": we
would rather bear those ills we have, than fly to others that we know
not of.

Tanya Gough

Poor Yorick Shakespeare Multimedia

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