Shakespeare Electronic Conference, Vol. 1, No. 116. Wednesday, 21 Nov 1990.
Date:         Mon, 12 Nov 90 20:35:31 EST
From:         Germaine Warkentin <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject:      Textual Studies in Canada
This notice announces the founding of _TSC: Textual Studies in Canada_ /
_ETC: Etudes Textualles au Canada_.  TSC will provide a collaborative
and interdisciplinary forum in which researchers and teachers can
address issues related to the study of texts within a Canadian context.
We are interested in how texts are composed, read, and variously
defined according to disciplinary and cultural presuppositions.
Appropriate subjects include Canadian literature (including
"non-fiction"), popular culture, rhetoric, composition, reading theory,
translation, pedagogy, Canadian Studies, feminism, and critical theory.
In keeping with TSC's definition as a "collaborative" journal, we are
particularly interested in receiving articles of joint or multiple
authorship.  We believe that writers do not compose in social vacuums,
that writing is a dialogical process, and that, therefore, the meanings
of texts are to be found largely in their relations to the discourse and
texts of others.  TSC is thus interested in exploring such issues as
what motivates writing and reading; where texts come from, who writes
them, and who reads them; how texts function and how they are used.  TSC
seeks to explore notions of writer, text and reader, and to make visible
the communal and consensual interaction involved in authorship.
Articles accepted will receive extensive feedback, and published
versions will acknowledge, insofar as possible, the collaborative
efforts of all parties and texts involved.  Poetry, especially that
related to issues of "textuality", is welcome. Address inquiries to:
Editors, _Textual Studies in Canada_, Dept. of English, Box 3010,
Cariboo University College, Kamloops, B.C., V2C 5N3, Canada.
[Cited from Humanist Discussion Group, Vol. 4, No. 0730.
 Tuesday, 20 Nov 1990, with author's permission.]

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