Shakespeare Electronic Conference, Vol. 3, No. 69. Thursday, 26 Mar 1992.
Date: 		Sun, 22 Mar 1992 22:24:00 -0500
From: 		William Proctor Williams <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Subject: 	Authorship!?
It is amazing how desperate some people are to
prove that the unquestioned and palpable author of the
works of William Shakespeare must be by any other human
except Shakespeare!  Perhaps the real answer is that they
are all by the recently, very recently, late Robert Maxwell;
or perhaps Richard Ingrams wrote them with the help of
Ian Hyslop.  I'm sure I could work out a case for any of
these if I had the time.
William Proctor Williams         TB0wpw1@NIU

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