The Shakespeare Conference: SHK 10.2160  Tuesday, 7 December 1999.

From:           Kenneth S Requa <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date:           Sunday, 05 Dec 1999 00:09:53 -0500
Subject:        Shakespeare Web Contest


Some of you may remember my Queen Mab Flash intro that I posted a couple
months ago.  Well I was thinking about that and wondering what it would
be like to gather a large collection of Shakespearean passages
represented visually in a manner similar to what I had done.  Bill's
language is so full of visual imagery that Flash would provide an
interesting outlet to express some of this imagery.

So, here's what I'm getting at: The Shakespeare Flash Project.  This
would be a contest in which participants would submit Flash movies
centered around Shakespearean passages.  It would be an excellent
classroom exercise as it demands attention to the imagery and themes
present in the language.

Here's where you all come in: First I need some feedback as to how many
of you think you could participate or provide participants to this
contest.  Then I need to know if any of you would be interested in
helping judge entries.  Since I am merely a poor college student I
hadn't planned on offering any awards other than recognition, but if
anyone knows of a possible sponsor for the event that would make it that
much more exciting.  The purpose isn't monetary, however.  It is simply
to gather a collection of interpretations of old Billy.

I have the website, and a tentative set of rules.  Anyone with any
feedback, I'm all ears: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Kenneth Requa
University of Southern California

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