The Shakespeare Conference: SHK 15.2064  Wednesday, 8 December 2004

From:           Chris S. Kelsey <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date:           Tuesday, 7 Dec 2004 10:28:24 -0600
Subject:        Redford Read You, Henry V

For those interested in parallels (perpendiculars, squiggles and
tangents) between Shakespeare, film, politics, etc. ...

A spell back we had a nice go regarding the unfortunately apt war
goading (and bumbling) in Henry V with the current US administration and
Mid-East quagmire. I was reminded of that thread again last night while
rewatching Three Days of the Condor. I'd forgotten its plot. Condor
involves Redford as a CIA reader who uncovers an intelligence conspiracy
to precipitate an invasion of the Middle East, ostensibly for control of
oil supplies.

Harry and Condor's stories go well together (at least in my head today).
And the Henry V thread we cast about is still depressingly relevant,
though worth a trip to the archives if you missed it then.

Tennis anyone?

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