The Shakespeare Conference: SHK 16.0982  Tuesday, 24 May 2005

From:           Bruce Richman <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date:           Monday, 23 May 2005 12:38:27 -0500
Subject: 16.0967 New and Improved Lear
Comment:        Re: SHK 16.0967 New and Improved Lear

James Doyle writes:

 >In the original story in Geoffrey of Monthmouth's History of the Kings
 >of Britain (I'm not sure if Holinshed's version is the same), Lear is
 >restored to the throne by Cordelia, but is later deposed by the allied
 >sons of Goneril and Regan.  So one could say that Shakespeare's change
 >was more of an abridgement, avoiding a problematic generational change
 >on stage, and ending up with the winning and losing sides, if not
 >personnel, the same.

Herewith, the final section of Holinshed's Chronicle of King Leir
(Everyman edition):

"Herevpon, when this armie and nauie of ships were readie, Leir and his
daughter Cordeilla with hir husband tooke the sea, and arriuing in
Britaine, fought with their enimies, and discomfited them in battell, in
which Maglanus (Albany) and Henninus (Cornwall) were slaine; and then
was Leir restored to his kingdome, which he ruled after this by the
space of two yeeres, and then died, fortie yeers after he first began to

Bruce Richman

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