The Shakespeare Conference: SHK 19.0266  Tuesday, 6 May 2008

From:		Larry Weiss <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date:		Monday, 05 May 2008 15:33:28 -0400
Subject: 19.0260 A Problem of Access
Comment:	Re: SHK 19.0260 A Problem of Access

 >The ideal solution, of course, is Open
 >Acess: nobody should give the results of
 >their publicly-funded research to an
 >organization, even a not-for-profit one
 >like Project Muse (via publication in a
 >commercial journal), that sells it on.
 >This knowledge already belongs to the
 >citizens who paid for it.

Does this mean that the recipient of a research grant should not publish 
the results of the research in any journal that charges a subscription 
fee? Why stop there; shouldn't an academic whose research is publicly 
funded refuse to lecture on the subject to students who have to pay tuition?

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