Shakespeare Electronic Conference, Vol. 6, No. 0304.  Saturday, 15 April 1995.
From:           Norman J. Myers <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>
Date:           Friday, 14 Apr 1995 11:36:19 -0400
Subject:        Re: Early Modern Subjectivity
I certainly don't want to enter into the "early modern subjectivity" fray
(which seems to have become the world vs. Godshalk).  I'd just like to see us
turn our attention more to "early modern" works to explore this question.
Accordingly, folks, have a look (again) at COMEDY OF ERRORS.  If that ain't
about Self hood, I don't know what it's about.  In fact, the Folio is
consistent in separating "thy" and "my" from "self."  Thus:
        S. ANT. So I, to find a Mother and a Brother
                In quest of them (unhappy) loose my self.
        ADRIANA How comes it now, my Husband. O how comes it
                That thou art then estranged from thy self?
                Thy self I call it, being strange to me'
                That undividable incoporate
                Am better than thy dear self's better part.
                Ah do not tear away thy self from me, etc.
                        II, ii, 125-130
Next step, I suppose, would be to find out just when printers joined thy and my
to self.  I leave that to those who are far beyond me in editorial questions.
I haven't the foggiest notion what this has to do with Cultural Materialism.
Norman Myers
Bowling Green State University

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